- Portnova-Fahreeva, A. A., Rizzoglio, F., Nisky, I., Casadio, M., Mussa-Ivaldi, F. A., & Rombokas, E. (2020). Linear and Non-linear Dimensionality-Reduction Techniques on Full Hand Kinematics. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 8, 429.
- Ballardini, G., Florio, V., Canessa, A., Carlini, G., Morasso P., Casadio, M. “Vibrotactile Feedback for Improving Standing Balance”, Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 2020.
- Avraham C, and Nisky I., (2020) “The effect of tactile augmentation on manipulation and grip force control during force-field adaptation”, Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation 17:17 (2020).
- - Farajian M., Leib R., Kossowsky H., Zaidenberg T., Mussa-Ivaldi F.A., and Nisky I., (2020) “Stretching the skin immediately enhances perceived stiffness and gradually enhances the predictive control of grip force”, eLife 9: e52653
- Lucia Seminara, Paolo Gastaldo, Simon J. Watt, Kenneth F.Valyear, Fernando Zuher, Fulvio Mastrogiovanni, "Active haptic perception in robots", Frontiers in Neurobotics 2019
- Wojciech Wasko, Alessandro Albini, Perla Maiolino, Fulvio Mastrogiovanni, Giorgio Cannata, "Contact modelling and tactile data processing for robot skin", Sensors 2019
- Bahar L., Sharon Y., and Nisky I., (2020) “Surgeon-Centered Analysis of Robot-Assisted Needle Driving Under Different Force Feedback Conditions”, Frontiers in Neurorobotics, 13: 108
- Avraham G.ǂ, Sulimani E.ǂ, Mussa-Ivaldi FA., and Nisky I. (2019) “Effects of Visuomotor Delays on the Control of Movement and on Perceptual Localization in the Presence and Absence of Visual Targets”, Journal of Neurophysiology ǂ Equal contribution
- Avraham C., Dominitz M., Khait H., Avraham G., Mussa-Ivaldi FA., and Nisky I. (2019) “Adaptation to Laterally Asymmetrical Visuomotor Delay has a Workspace-Dependent Effect on Action but not on Perception “, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 13:312
- Iandolo R, Carè M, Shah VA, Schiavi S, Bommarito G, Boffa G, Giannoni P, Inglese M, Mrotek LA, Scheidt RA, Casadio M, A two alternative forced choice method for assessing vibrotactile discrimination thresholds in the lower limb,Somatosensory & motor research 36 (2), 162-170
- Carfì A., Foglino F., Bruno B., Mastrogiovanni F., 'A multi-sensor dataset of human-human handover, Data in Brief, Volume 22, 2019, Pages 109-117, ISSN 2352-3409
- De Luca, A., Bellitto, A., Mandraccia, S., Marchesi, G., Pellegrino, L., Coscia, M., Leoncini, C., Rossi, L., Gamba, S., Massone, A., Casadio, M. Effects of assistance, mechanical structure, and walking aids on muscle activations (2019) Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 9 (14), art. no. 2868
- Shah, V.A., Casadio, M., Scheidt, R.A., Mrotek, L.A. Spatial and temporal influences on discrimination of vibrotactile stimuli on the arm (2019) Experimental Brain Research, 237 (8), pp. 2075-2086.
- Risi, N., Shah, V., Mrotek, L.A., Casadio, M., Scheidt, R.A. 57202494831;57194020517;6602575877;9735851100;13307318200; Supplemental vibrotactile feedback of real-time limb position enhances precision of goal-directed reaching (2019) Journal of Neurophysiology, 122 (1), pp. 22-38.
Conference Paper:
- Marchesi G., Ricaldone E., De Luca A., Torre K., Quinland E., Bellitto A., Squeri V., Massone A., Casadio M., Canessa A., “A robot-based assessment of trunk control in Spinal Cord Injured athletes”, BioRob 2020, New York (NY), U.S.A. (Nov. 29 - Dec. 2, 2020) (Accepted)
- Bellitto A., Mandraccia S., Leoncini C., Rossi L., Gamba, S., Massone A., Casadio M., De Luca A., "Walking after incomplete spinal cord injury: changes in muscle activations due to training with a robotic powered exoskeleton", BioRob 2020, New York (NY), U.S.A. (Nov. 29 - Dec. 2, 2020) (Accepted)
- Ricci S., Tatti E., Mattia D., Cincotti F., Sanguineti V., Morasso P., Canessa A. Casadio M., “Beta oscillations during adaptation to inertial and velocity dependent perturbations”, BioRob 2020, New York (NY), U.S.A. (Nov. 29 - Dec. 2, 2020) (Accepted)
- Ballardini G., Casadio M., “Isometric force matching asymmetries depend on the position of the left hand regardless of handedness”, EuroHaptics, Leiden, Netherlands. (Sept. 6-9, 2020) (accepted)
- Ballardini, G., Ponassi, V. Galofaro, E., Carlini, G., Marini, F., Pellegrino, L., Morasso, P., Casadio, M. “Interaction between Position Sense and Force Control in Bimanual Tasks”, Journal of Neuroengineering and Rehabilitation 16 (1). BioMed Central: 1–13.
- De Luca, A., Bellitto, A., Mandraccia, S., Marchesi, G., Pellegrino, L., Coscia, M., Leoncini, C., Rossi, L., Gamba, S., Massone, A., Casadio, M., “Exoskeleton for Gait Rehabilitation: Effects of Assistance, Mechanical Structure, and Walking Aids on Muscle Activations”, Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, 2868.
- Marchesi G., Canessa A., De Luca A., De Michieli L., Pilotto A., Vallone F., Cella A., Spinelli M., Leo A., Sanfilippo C., Squeri V., Saglia J., Casadio M., “Robot-based static and dynamic assessment for planning age-tailored training protocol”, Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting 2019, Chicago (IL), U.S.A. (Oct. 19-23, 2019)
- Ballardini G., Ponassi V., Galofaro E., Carlini G., Pellegrino L., Marini F., Muller M., Solaro C., Morasso P., Giannoni P., Nisky I., Casadio M., “Interaction between position and force control in bimanual tasks in unimpaired subjects and people with multiple sclerosis”, Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting 2019, Chicago (IL), U.S.A. (Oct. 19-23, 2019)
- I.Plenzio, K.Oh, F.Rizzoglio, I.Nisky, E.H.Walker, R.A.Scheidt, M.Casadio, F.A.Mussa-Ivaldi. “A dysfunctional consequence of visuo-motor adaptation”. Society for Neuroscience, October 19-23, 2019, Chicago, IL, USA (Program No. 311.08. 2019)
- Golan Y., Sirota B., Shapiro A., Shriki O., and Nisky I.(2019) “A Vibrotactile Vest for Remote Human-Dog Communication”, IEEE World Haptics Conference, Tokyo, Japan, July 9-12, 2019
- Y. A. Oquendo, Z. Chua, M. M. Coad, I. Nisky, A. Jarc, S. Wren, T.S. Lendvay, A. M. Okamura (2019) “Robot-Assisted Surgical Training Over Several Days in a Virtual Surgical Environment with Divergent and Convergent Force Fields”, Proceedings of the 2019 Hamlyn Symposium on Medical Robotics, June 25-28, London
- Ricci S., Marcutti S., Pani A., Chirico M., Torre G., Cordone M., Casadio M., Vercelli G., "Implementation of a sensorized neonatal head model for gynechological training", The International workshop on innovatiove simulation for healthcare", Lisbon, Portugal, September 2019. [accepted]
- Keonyoung Oh, Ilaria Plenzio, Fabio Rizzoglio, Ilana Nisky, Robert Scheidt , Elise Walker, Ferdinando A. Mussa-Ivaldi and Maura Casadio (2019) "Visual-proprioceptive conflict resolution when applying contact forces"; XXVII Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics (ISB2019), July 31-August 4, Calgary, Canada, August 2019.
- S. Ricci, S. Marcutti, A. Pani, M. Cordone, G. Torre, G. Vercelli, M. Casadio; Design and implementation of a low-cost birth simulator; 41stInternational Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference, Berlin, Germany, July 2019. [Accepted]
- Nomberg R. and Nisky I (2019) "Human-in-the-loop stability analysis of haptic rendering of a virtual stiffness with delay - the effect of arm impedance", work-in-progress session, IEEE World Haptics Conference, July 9-12, Tokyo, Japan, July 2019
- Kossowsky H., Farajian M., and Nisky I. (2019) "The Effect of Kinesthetic Uncertainty on Stiffness Perception", work-in-progress session, IEEE World Haptics Conference, July 9-12, Tokyo, Japan, July 2019
- Milstein A., Bahar L., and Nisky I. (2019) "Stiffness Perception in Scaled Interaction Using a Haptic Gripper", work-in-progress session, IEEE World Haptics Conference, July 9-12, Tokyo, Japan, July 2019
- Bitton G., Nisky I., and Zarrouk D. (2019), "A 2-DoF Skin-Stretch Haptic Device for Studying the Representation of the Direction of Tactile Cues in Sensorimotor Control", the 6th Israeli Conference on Robotics (ICR), Herzliya, Israel, July 8-10, 2019
- Kossowsky H., Farajian M., and Nisky I. (2019) "Sensorimotor integration of tactile and kinesthetic information in object manipulation", XII Progress in Motor Control Conference, July 7-10, Amsterdam, Netherlands, July 2019.
- Galofaro E., Ballardini G., Boggini S., Foti F., Nisky I. and Casadio M. (2019) "Assessment of bimanual proprioception during an orientation matching task with a physically coupled object"; 16th International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR), June 24-28, Toronto, Canada, June 2019.
- G. Marchesi, M. Casadio, G. Ballardini, A. De Luca, V. Squeri, F. Vallone, C. Giorgini, P. Crea, A. Pilotto, C. Sanfilippo, J. Saglia, A. Canessa; Robot-based assessment of sitting and standing balance: preliminary results on Parkinson's disease; 16th International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR), June 24-28, Toronto, Canada, June 2019. [Accepted]
- G. Ballardini*, V. Ponassi*, E. Galofaro, L. Pellegrino, C. Solaro, M. Muller, M. Casadio; Bimanual control of position and force in people with multiple sclerosis: preliminary results; 16th International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR), June 24-28, Toronto, Canada, June 2019.
- F. Rizzoglio*, F. Sciandra*, E. Galofaro, L. Losio, E. Quinland, C. Leoncini, A. Massone, F.A. Mussa-Ivaldi and M. Casadio; A Myoelectric Computer Interface for Reducing Abnormal Muscle Activations after Spinal Cord Injury; 16th International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR), June 24-28, Toronto, Canada, June 2019.
- Kossowsky H., Farajian M., and Nisky I. (2019) "The Effect of Tactile and Kinesthetic Uncertainty on Stiffness Perception", 15th Karniel Computational Motor Control Workshop, March 24-26, Beer Sheva, Israel, March 2019
- Farajian M., Leib R., Zaidenberg T., Mussa-Ivaldi F.A., and Nisky I. (2019), "Artificial Skin Stretch Causes an Immediate Illusion of Touching a Harder Spring and a Slower Increase in the Predictive Control of Grip Force" 15th Karniel Computational Motor Control Workshop, March 24-26, Beer Sheva, Israel, March 2019
- Arusi S., and Nisky I. (2019) "A difference in perceived stiffness when touching elastic objects by different hands suggests different information processing time between the hands", 15th Karniel Computational Motor Control Workshop, March 24-26, Beer Sheva, Israel, March 2019
- G. Ballardini, V. Florio, G. Carlini, A. Canessa, P. Morasso, M. Casadio; Vibrotactile feedback for improving standing balance: effects of different encoding methods and importance of information content; 15th Karniel Computational Motor Control Workshop, March 24-26, Beer Sheva, Israel, March 2019
- G. Marchesi, A. Canessa, M. Casadio, A. De Luca, V. Squeri, F. Vallone, C. Giorgini, P. Crea, A. Pilotto, C. Sanfilippo, J. Saglia; Postural responses to unstable conditions and external perturbations while sitting and standing in Parkinson's disease; 15th Karniel Computational Motor Control Workshop, March 24-26, Beer Sheva, Israel, March 2019
- V. Ponassi*, G. Ballardini*, E. Galofaro, G. Carlini, L. Pellegrino, F. Marini, M. Muller, C. Solaro, P. Morasso, M. Casadio; Interaction between position and force control in bimanual tasks; V; 15th Karniel Computational Motor Control Workshop, March 24-26, Beer Sheva, Israel, March 2019
- M. Moro, F. Odone, M. Casadio; Markerless gait analysis based on deep learning technique: preliminary results; 15th Karniel Computational Motor Control Workshop, March 24-26, Beer Sheva, Israel, March 2019
- Kossowsky H., Farajian M., and Nisky I. (2019) "The Effect of Tactile Noise on Stiffness Perception and Grip Force Control", Biomedical Engineering 2019, the annual conference of ISMBE, Haifa, Israel, February 25-26 2019
- Arusi S., and Nisky I. (2019) "A Model for Bimanual Stiffness Perception and Action", Biomedical Engineering 2019, the annual conference of ISMBE, Haifa, Israel, February 25-26, 2019
- Ponassi V., Galofaro E., Ballardini G., Carlini G., Pellegrino L., Marini F., Morasso P. and Casadio M. (2018), "The interaction between position sense and force control"; International Conference on Neurorehabilitation (ICNR), Pisa, Italy, October 16-20, 2018
- Galofaro E., Scheidt R.A., Mussa-Ivaldi F.A. and Casadio M. (2018) "Testing the ability to represent and control a contact force"; International Conference on Neurorehabilitation (ICNR), Pisa, Italy, October 16-20, 2018
- Avraham C., and Nisky I. (2018) "Integration of kinesthetic and tactile information for manipulation and grip force control during force-field adaptation", in the Proceedings of the International Conference on Neurorehabilitation (ICNR 2018), Pisa, Italy, October 16-20, 2018
- A. Carfi, C. Motolese, B. Bruno and F. Mastrogiovanni, "Online Human Gesture Recognition using Recurrent Neural Networks and Wearable Sensors," 2018 27th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), Nanjing, 2018, pp. 188-195.
- Progress in Motor Control conference Best Poster Award (Kossowsky H., Farajian M., and Nisky I. (2019) “Sensorimotor integration of tactile and kinesthetic information in object manipulation”)
- Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Biomedical Engineering Department Best undergraduate engineering project (to B.Sc. student Hanna Kossowsky)
- Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Mechanical Engineering Department excellent undergraduate engineering project (to direct track M.Sc. student Guy Biton)
- Serena Ricci and Giulia Ballardini won the "Travel Award" at the 15th Karniel Computational Motor Control Workshop 2019, Ben-Gurion University, Be'er Sheva Israel.
- Giorgia Marchesi and Mor Farajian won the "Best Poster Award" (3rd and 1st place, respectively) at the 15th Karniel Computational Motor Control Workshop 2019, Ben-Gurion University, Be'er Sheva Israel.
- Ilana Nisky was the recipient of the 2019 Early Academic Career Award from the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society "for contributions to neuroscience-grounded analysis, design, and training in haptic, teleoperation, and robot-assisted surgery systems"
- Guy Bitton won the Yaakov Ben Itzhak ha-Cohen scholarship for excellent engineering students
- Serena Ricci won the "Amici del Festival della Scienza" award for the birth simulator project