

 March 24-26, 2019, Israel, 15th Karniel Computational Motor Control Workshop

On March 24-28 members of the Italian and Israeli teams took part of the 15th Karniel Computational Motor Control Workshop followed by a meeting of the Virtual Lab. Prof. Maura Casadio, and her team Matteo Moro, Serena Ricci, Giulia Ballardini, Giorgia Marchesi, joined the entire team of Dr. Ilana Nisky and also Roberta Delrio, who is visiting BGU for 6 months as part of her MSc thesis. For the virtual lab meeting, Yogev Koren from the lab of our collaborator Dr. Simona Bar Haim at the Physical Therapy Department joined for a discussion, and we had Elisa Galofaro and Fabio Rizzoglio join via video conference from Italy and USA. The team members also took part in a special meeting with Prof. Allison Okamura on a “Master Class in an Academic Career in Engineering and STEM”





  • From May 1st Valay Shah and Ashiya Thomas, students from Marquette University, Wisconsin, USA are joining the Italian team for three months working on shared projects about vibro-tactile feedback.  
  • From May 16th to May 24th Marquette professors Mrotek, Scheidt, Nielson, Beardsley visited Dr. Casadio to build new collaborations and work on existing ones.
  • On May 31st Dr. Casadio and her students joined the celebration for 20 years of activity of Unità Spinale of Pietra Ligure, one of the most relevant Italian institute for the treatment of spinal cord injury. Dr. Casadio, who has been extensively collaborating with this institute, presented her team’s works, together with an overview of the most relevant research in the field.
  • On June 25-28 Giulia Ballardini, Elisa Galofaro, Giorgia Marchesi, Serena Ricci and Fabio Rizzoglio from the Italian team attended the 16th International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR) in Toronto, Canada. Giulia, Elisa, Giorgia and Serena with a poster presentation, while Fabio with podium presentation. Giorgia’s work was among the sixty best posters at the conference.
  • On July 24-27 Serena co-chaired the oral session “Education and Simulation” at the 41stInternational Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference (EMBC) in Berlin, Germany. She will also have a podium presentation.

Past events

 March 5, 2019, Italy, “Innovation in Rehabilitation Technologies" Workshop

 October 16 - 20, 2018, Italy, Kickoff Meeting


@Emaro lab (missing F Mastrogiovanni)

 The first plenary meeting of the virtual lab took place in Genova on Saturday. PI's Mastrogiovanni, Casadio, and Nisky presented the general vision of their research. Giulia Ballardini presented her ideas for developing novel somatosensori stimulation devices and Elisa Galofaro her work on force control. Roberta Del Rio, Robotics master student @ unige, discussed idea for master thesis in isreael (March-September 2019, fondo giovani scholarship)

 Lab members attended the ICNR conference in PIsa At the conference, PI's Casadio and Nisky co-organized with Sandro Mussa-Ivaldi a session on ‘Reshaping Perception and Action in Human-Machine Interfaces’. Students Chen Avraham, Giulia Ballardini and Elisa Galofaro presented their work.

 October 16th, 2018. Dr. Nisky lecture on surgical robotics for PhD and Master students on biomedical engineering, robotics engeneering, and EMARO @Unige